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Preeti Sampat is an anthropologist from Ambedkar University Delhi working on struggles over land and environment in Goa.

​Sulochana Pednekar is an activist and academic from Women’s Studies in Goa University.

​Heidi Faye Pereira is an artist from Goa and is currently studying in Ambedkar University Delhi.

David J Meaprath is a musician currently studying in Ambedkar University Delhi.

Aseem Achintya is a photographer and designer based in Delhi.


We would like to acknowledge the support received from the following organisations and individuals who helped us with ideas and materials in curating the museum: Central Library Goa; Goa Bachao Abhiyan; Goenkaranchem Daiz; GRID; SEZ Virodhi Manch; Rainbow Warriors; Video Volunteers; Abeer Gupta; Abhijeet Prabhudesai; Albertina Almeida; Alina Saldanha; Charles Fernandes; Edson Dias; Franky Monteiro; Frederick Noronha; Ramkrishna Zalmi; Rebony Saha; Shaheen Ahmed; Solano da Silva; Surajit Sarkar and Swati Kerkar.


Living Histories of Land Mobile Museum in Goa has been made possible with an Engaged Anthropology grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropology, USA.


Web Design: Aseem Achintya and Ron Bhasin

Introductory Film: Ron Bhasin

To Contribute

Preeti Sampat

Sulochana Pednekar

We would like to invite contributions towards strengthening the online archives. If you have any relevant material pertaining to these and similar struggles in Goa, please email us.

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