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Coal Corridor and MPT Expansion

The MPT Expansion from the late 2000s, has had its own toll on the environment: air pollution, and with the proposed Coal Corridor, attendant deforestation. The construction of roads and the proposed expansion of two berths at the Mormugao Port in fact is linked to the perpetuation of destructive mining activity. The existing coal transportation and the dredging for the berths had already damaged fishing and the dwellings of the fishing community, their lands, and agriculture. 

There is an ongoing struggle by a coalition of individuals and organisations called Goa Against Coal (GAC) to protect Goa and its people from choking on coal dust. The Old Cross Fishing Canoe Owners’ Association challenged the berth expansion in the National Green Tribunal, ensuring an order that a public hearing be held on the issue. This public hearing was extended for a record five days and went on till late into the night with a massive outpouring of grievances as a result of GAC's mobilisation efforts. 

To Contribute

Preeti Sampat

Sulochana Pednekar

We would like to invite contributions towards strengthening the online archives. If you have any relevant material pertaining to these and similar struggles in Goa, please email us.

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